中共黨員,博士,教授🫢,博士研究生導師📃。河北農業大學青年學術帶頭人、學科高峰人才,杏运娱乐創新創業教研室主任🩱。 2004年畢業於杏运娱乐並獲得博士學位⌚️🧝🏻♂️,畢業後留校任教。2007年10月-2009年3月在荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學植物病理系訪學,合作導師Francine教授。 主要研究方向🚛:植物病害流行與綜合防治。國家蘋果產業技術體系崗位專家,主要從事蘋果病害流行規律、生物防治及綜合防控研究工作。主持在研國家重點研發項目等國家級省部級科研項目4項,主研項目10余項👨🏼🦳🧛🏼♂️。獲國家科技進步二等獎1項🙍♂️👎🏼,河北省科技進步一等獎1項、三等獎2項👂🏻;獲河北省山區創業二等獎2項,三等獎1項🪭;發表論文130余篇(其中第一作者或通訊作者50余篇)🤹🏿;出版著作15部,其中主編12部🧝♀️。獲得國家專利授權15項。擔任《植物保護學報》和《植物保護》編委。 國家級一流課程《農業植物病理學》主講教師、課程團隊負責人;河北農業大學模範之師,《植物有害生物綜合防控》、《創新創業基礎》等課程主講教師🤸。 河北農業大學優秀創業教師、優秀創業導師。作為第一指導教師獲得中國(國際)“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽銀獎1項🫸🏿🤰🏽,銅獎2項🤾🏽♂️;省賽金獎5項。第八屆🧑🏻🏭、第九屆中國國際“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽評委👂🏿。 河北省農業創新驛站和保定市博士農場首席專家👖👩🏿✈️、河北省“三區”科技特派員、保定市農業科技特派團團長🚠。
1. Pengbo Dai, Na Li, Bing Li, Shutong Wang, Yanan Wang, Xianglong Meng, Bo Li, Keqiang Cao, Tongle Hu. An endophytic strain Bacillus velezensis JZ51 controlled pink mold rot of postharvest apple fruit via antagonistic action and disease resistance induction. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2024, 210: 112793. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2024.112793 2. Ziteng Li, Yuhan Cao, Xianglong Meng, Bo Li, Pengbo Dai, Xusheng Zhao, Tongle Hu, Shutong Wang, Keqiang Cao, and Yanan Wang. Malus asiatica as a natural host of apple scar skin viroid in China, Plant Disease, Doi: 10.1094/PDIS-04-22-0827-PDN 3. Li B, Wang Y, Hu T, Qiu D, Francis F,Wang S and Wang S (2022).Root-Associated Microbiota Response to Ecological Factors: Role of Soil Acidity in Enhancing Citrus Tolerance to Huanglongbing. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:937414. Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.937414 4. Li B, Cao Y, Ji Z, Zhang J, Meng X, Dai P, Hu T, Wang S, Cao K and Wang Y (2022) Coinfection of Two Mycoviruses Confers Hypovirulence and Reduces the Production of Mycotoxin Alternariol in Alternaria alternata f. sp. mali. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:910712. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.910712 5. Feng Q, Wang S, Wang H, Qin Z and Wang H (2022) Circle Fitting Based Image Segmentation and Multi-Scale Block Local Binary Pattern Based Distinction of Ring Rot and Anthracnose on Apple Fruits. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:884891. Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.884891 6. Meng Xianglong, Yang Rui, Liu Antai, Hu Tongle, Wang Yanan, Cao Keqiang, Wang Shutong. The influence of lower temperature induction of Valsa mali on the infection of apple trees. Plant Disease, 2021, 105(10):2776-2780. Doi: 10.1094/PDIS-01-21-0086-SC 7. Jiang H, Meng X, Ma J, Sun X, Wang Y, Hu T, Cao K, Wang S*, Control effect of fungicide pyraclostrobin alternately applied with Bordeaux mixture against apple Glomerella leaf spot and its residue after preharvest application in China, Crop Protection, 2021, 142:105489. Doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2020.105489. 8. Yan-Hong Dong, Xiang-Long Meng, Ya-Nan Wang, Tong-Le Hu, Shu-Tong Wang, Ke-Qiang Cao. Screening of pathogenicity-deficient Fusarium oxysporum mutants established by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2021, 43(1):140-154. Doi: 10.1080/07060661.2020.1746402 9. Xiang-long Meng, Xing-hua Qi, Ze-yuan Han, Yong-bin Guo, Ya-nan Wang, Tong-le Hu, Li-ming Wang, Ke-qiang Cao & Shu-tong Wang. Latent Infection of Valsa mali in the Seeds, Seedlings and Twigs of Crabapple and Apple Trees is a Potential Inoculum Source of Valsa Canker. Scientific Reports,2019,9:7738. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44228-w 10. Shutong Wang🧑🏽🚀,Tongle Hu, Yanan Wang, Yong Luo, Themis J. Michailides, Keqiang Cao. New understanding on infection processes of Valsa canker of apple in China. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2016, 146:531-540. Doi: 10.1007/s10658-016-0937-3 |